Finding Home.

Today is probably the most beautiful day I’ve experienced in Buffalo since arriving. Most of the snow has melted and the air is pungent with the smell of freshly cut grass. As I was walking to lunch from a brutal test I had just taken, I stopped and closed my eyes, letting myself get wrapped in warm colors of the wind. I walked into the the middle of quad and took a minute to sit down and breath in the damp air. In. Out. In. Out. In that moment all I could feel was the lazy breeze on my face and hear the light rustle of the dry leaves in the background. I know this moment is small, and many would overlook it as something nothing more than juvenile, but this was the first time since moving here that I felt like I had found home. A small piece of it, but still true.

It’s a simple moment of inspiration, a single moment when you realize that you’ve been placed in that particular spot, at that exact time for a reason. Isn’t that something that everyone is always looking for? To finally feel validation that all your life choices so far have led to be where you belong, even if it’s just for that instant. That millisecond of feeling at home is what I live for and constantly trying to strive towards.

It wasn’t until last night when my friend, Ben, told me that I realized we were on week 14 out 15. I don’t want to be vulgar but, what the actual fuck? Although it feels like I have been here for 10 years, I have no idea where the time has gone. I’ve been trying to remember all the memories I have made with all the friends I’ve been blessed with but then I realized it’s impossible. The best memories are the small ones, the ones that many would overlook as something nothing more than juvenile.

It’s making sure you only watch Grey’s Anatomy with your other obsessed friends because no one else would understand the significance of Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey breaking up.

It’s staying up 4:30 on a Sunday talking because, why not?

It’s going on a walk around campus when it absolutely freezing because they want to make sure you don’t get S.A.D. (seasonal affected disorder), which I can’t believe is a real thing.

It’s being able to spend consecutive days with someone even though you usually get sick of people easily because they just bring out the best side of you.It’s the moments of impact that show you its okay to follow your desires sometimes.

and so many more.

I have come to realize that this is the time of my life and nothing will ever compare to my college years. I have found home in those moments. Home has never been a place but a feeling. The people I have met here have given me that piece of home and I have am eternally grateful for that. I cannot wait for the next moments of home I will find in the future.

For when music speaks louder than words:

“So when your hope’s on fire
But you know your desire
Don’t hold a glass over the flame
Don’t let your heart grow cold
I will call you by name
I will share your road

But hold me fast, Hold me fast
‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer
And hold me fast, Hold me fast
‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer
I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I’m under”

-Mumford & Sons

Until next time,


Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

My friend Tim in D.C.


My friend Grace in D.C.


Freezing in the snow



Our friend, Matt, told the six freshmen that, "We are going to change the world."

Our friend, Matt, told the six freshmen that, “We are going to change the world.”

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